Friday, 28 April 2017

Potential Essay Structure

Intro: this should allow you to explain your definition of the concepts addressed in the question.

1 - Link your response to the question: Agree or disagree with the statement from the question.

2 - Debate and argue the other side of the argument: "However...", "Having said this...", "One could argue that one exception to the rule was the film...".

3 - Explain which industries you're going to explore in your case studies: "In this essay I'll be exploring how 'name of institution', set in... by..."

4 - Be prepared to write about: Production, Distribution, Marketing and Exchange within your chosen institutions/films.

5 - Mention specific audiences and how your case studies target them: Age, gender, time era, tastes (fans), lifestyles.  Use the demographic letters when possible.

7 - Digital cinema: How is this a treat to distribution and marketing.

8 - Your own POV and ideas.  Add a media theory when possible - Uses & Gratifications.

Conclusion: what's next for the issue posed in the question?

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